Virtual Education

Virtual education, for who is it, and Why?

Three elements distinguish virtual education from traditional: flexibility, ease and simplicity, and high levels of personalized learning. It is therefore designed for those who value simplicity, flexibility, and independence while disliking rigidity, complexity, and bureaucracy.

Regardless of their reasons for those preferences, they are usually:
• Those with talents and abilities that give them superiority over their peers.
• Or perhaps, they have their own needs and requirements.
• Or, they want to learn differently, as they tend to be up to date and innovate.

Virtual schools are distinguished from the traditional in many ways, including but not limited to:
• 24/7 access to educational materials from home or anywhere else
• Learning and progress occur at a student’s own pace with flexible schedules.
• Each student can design their learning plan
• Parents can view their children’s progress at any moment
• Meet with other students from different cultures around the world